Download 50 Materi K3 dari OSHA
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Salah satu yang menjadi acuan di bidang HSE adalah OSHA dari Amerika.
Daftar Isi
Tentang OSHA
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) adalah bagian dari Departemen Tenaga Kerja di Amerika Serikat yang dibentuk di bawah Undang-Undang Keselamatan dan Kesehatan, yang ditandatangani oleh Presiden Richard M. Nixon, pada 29 Desember 1970. OHSA memiliki misi mencegah cedera yang terkait dengan pekerjaan, penyakit, dan kematian dengan menegakkan peraturan (standarisasi) untuk kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja
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Manfaat Materi K3 OSHA
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Daftar 50 Ebook dan Publikasi K3 OSHA
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Inilah 50 Ebook/Publikasi tentang HSE dari OSHA Publication yang paling mungkin kamu butuhkan.
No | Judul Ebook | Link | Quotes |
1 | Using Leading Indicators to Improve Safety and Health Outcomes (June 2019) | | Leading indicators can play a vital role in preventing worker fatalities, injuries, and illnesses, as well as strengthening safety and health outcomes in the workplace.
2 | Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs (Oct 2016) | | Establishing a safety and health program in your workplace is one of the most effective ways of protecting your most valuable asset: your workers
3 | Recommended Practices for Safety & Health Programs in Construction (Oct 2016) | | These best practices present principles and approaches to implementing and maintaining a safety and health program for the entire construction company.
4 | How to Plan for Workplace Emergencies and Evacuations (Rev 2001) | | The best way is to prepare to respond to an emergency before it happens. Few people can think clearly and logically in a crisis, so it is important to do so in advance, when you have time to be thorough.
5 | Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (Ver 2008)
| | Hazardous substances are a serious safety and health problem that continues to endanger human and animal life and environmental quality. Discarded hazardous substances that are toxic, flammable, or corrosive can cause fires, explosions, and pollution of air, water, and land.
6 | Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19 (2020) | | To reduce the impact of COVID-19 outbreak conditions on businesses, workers, customers, and the public, it is important for all employers to plan now for COVID-19
7 | Training Requirements in OSHA Standards | | Employees shall be trained in and familiar with the safety related work practices, safety procedures, and other safety requirements in this section
8 | Trenching and Excavation Safety | | Trenching and excavation work presents serious hazards to all workers involved. Cave-ins pose the greatest risk and are more likely than some other excavation-related incidents to result in worker fatalities.
9 | Best Practices Guide: Fundamentals of a Workplace First-Aid Program (Ver 2006) | | First aid is emergency care provided for injury or sudden illness before emergency medical treatment is available.
The first-aid provider in the workplace is someone who is trained in the delivery of initial medical emergency procedures, using a limited amount of equipment to perform a primary assessment and intervention while awaiting arrival of emergency medical service (EMS) personnel.
10 | Process Safety Management (Rep. 2000) | | Unexpected releases of toxic, reactive, or flammable liquids and gases in processes involving highly hazardous chemicals have been reported for many years.
This booklet summarizes the OSHA final process safety management (PSM) standard
11 | Process Safety Management for Petroleum Refineries: Lessons Learned from the Petroleum Refinery Process Safety Management National Emphasis Program (2017) | | This document highlights areas of the Process Safety Management standard (PSM) where OSHA issued the most citations during the Petroleum Refinery Process Safety Management National Emphasis Program (NEP)
12 | Process Safety Management for Small Businesses (2017) | | This guidance document does not cover the entire Process Safety Management standard (PSM), but only focuses on aspects of the standard that may be particularly helpful for small businesses
13 | Process Safety Management for Storage Facilities (2017) | | This document does not cover the entire Process Safety Management (PSM) standard, but only focuses on aspects of the standard particularly relevant to storage facilities. For a full compliance guide to PSM
14 | Fire Service Features of Buildings and Fire Protection Systems (2015) | | The purpose of this manual is to increase the safety of emergency responders and building occupants by providing information about how firefighters typically interact with building features and fire protection systems during fires
15 | Bloodborne Pathogens and Hazard Communications Standards-Model Plan (2003) | | OSHA’S bloodborne pathogens standard protects employees who work in occupations where they are at risk of exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials.
16 | Firefighting Precautions at Facilities with Combustible Dust (2013) | | Every year, a number of emergency responders are injured, and sometimes killed, during emergency operations in facilities where combustible dusts exist.
In some cases, responders have inadequate information or training on the explosible1 characteristics of combustible dust and/or the conditions present in the facility, which has increased the challenge of handling incidents safely and effectively.
17 | Confined Spaces (2004) | | Many workplaces contain spaces that are considered to be “confined” because their configurations hinder the activities of employees who must enter into, work in or exit from them.
In many instances, employees who work in confined spaces also face increased risk of exposure to serious physical injury from hazards such as entrapment, engulfment and hazardous atmospheric conditions.
18 | Underground Construction (Tunneling) (2003) | | The construction of underground tunnels, shafts, chambers, and passageways are essential yet dangerous activities.
Working under reduced light conditions, difficult or limited access and egress, with the potential for exposure to air contaminants and the hazards of fire and explosion, underground construction workers face many dangers.
19 | Protecting Construction Workers in Confined Spaces: Small Entity Compliance Guide (2015) | | A confined space is a space whose configuration and/or contents may present special dangers not found in normal work areas. Confined spaces may be poorly ventilated and, as a result, contain insufficient oxygen or hazardous levels of toxic gases.
20 | Fall Prevention Training Guide A Lesson Plan for Employers (2014) | | Falls cause more deaths in construction than any other hazard. In 2011, falls accounted for over a third of the 721 total construction deaths. Workers performing tasks 6 feet or more above lower levels are at risk of fatal falls or serious injuries.
21 | Fall Protection in Construction (2015) | | Historically, falls are the leading cause of fatalities in construction, accounting for about one-third of all fatalities in the industry
OSHA recognizes that incidents involving falls are generally complex events, frequently involving a variety of factors.
22 | OSHA General Industry Digest (2015) | | An injury and illness prevention program,1 is a proactive process to help employers find and fix workplace hazards before workers are hurt.
We know these programs can be effective at reducing injuries, illnesses, and fatalities. Many workplaces have already adopted such approaches
23 | Hand and Power Tools (2002) | | Employees who use hand and power tools and are exposed to the hazards of falling, flying, abrasive, and splashing objects, or to harmful dusts, fumes, mists, vapors, or gases must be provided with the appropriate personal protective equipment
24 | Hazard Communication: Hazard Classification Guidance for Manufacturers, Importers, and Employers (2016) | | This document is designed to help manufacturers and importers of chemicals not only identify chemical hazards, but also to classify these hazards so that workers and downstream users can be informed about and better understand these hazards as required by OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard
25 | Hearing Conservation (Rev 2002) | | Noise-induced hearing loss can be temporary or permanent. Temporary hearing loss results from short-term exposures to noise, with normal hearing returning after period of rest. Generally, prolonged exposure to high noise levels over a period of time gradually causes permanent damage.
26 | Job Hazard Analysis (Rev 2002) | | A job hazard analysis is a technique that focuses on job tasks as a way to identify hazards before they occur. It focuses on the relationship between the worker, the task, the tools, and the work environment.
27 | Laboratory Safety Guidance (2011) | | More than 500,000 workers are employed in laboratories in the U.S. The laboratory environment can be a hazardous place to work. Laboratory workers are exposed to numerous potential hazards including chemical, biological, physical and radioactive hazards, as well as musculoskeletal stresses.
28 | Lead in Construction (2004) | | Pure lead (Pb) is a heavy metal at room temperature and pressure. A basic chemical element, it can combine with various other substances to form numerous lead compounds.
29 | Control of Hazardous Energy Lockout/Tagout (Rev 2002) | | “Lockout/tagout” refers to specific practices and procedures to safeguard employees from the unexpected energization or startup of machinery and equipment, or the release of hazardous energy during service or maintenance activities.1
30 | Materials Handling and Storage (Rev 2002) | | Handling and storing materials involve diverse operations such as hoisting tons of steel with a crane; driving a truck loaded with concrete blocks; carrying bags or materials manually; and stacking palletized bricks or other materials such as drums, barrels, kegs, and lumber.
31 | Personal Protective Equipment (2004) | | Hazards exist in every workplace in many different forms: sharp edges, falling objects, flying sparks, chemicals, noise and a myriad of other potentially dangerous situations.
OSHA requires that employers protect their employees from workplace hazards that can cause injury
32 | Resource for Development and Delivery of Training to Workers (2015) | | This OSHA guide outlines information on developing and delivering effective training to workers.
33 | The Importance of Root Cause Analysis During Incident Investigation (2016) | | Conducting a thorough investigation that identifies root causes will help to prevent similar events from happening again. In this way, employers will reduce the risk of death and/or injury to workers or the community or environmental damage.
34 | A Guide to Restroom Access for Transgender Workers (2015) | | In many workplaces, separate restroom and other facilities are provided for men and women. In some cases, questions can arise in the workplace about which facilities certain employees should use.
35 | A Guide to: Scaffold Use in the Construction Industry (Rev 2002) | | Yup, Scaffolds
36 | Shipbreaking: Safe Work Practices (2010) | | Shipbreaking is a unique part of the maritime industry, primarily involving the dismantling and disposal of obsolete U.S. Navy and Maritime Administration ships, as well as commercial barges and mobile offshore drilling units.
37 | Shipyard Industry Standards (2015) | | The importance of regular employee training to establish and reinforce employee awareness in the areas of shipyard job safety and health
38 | Stairways and Ladders (2003) | | Working on and around stairways and ladders is hazardous. Stairways and ladders are major sources of injuries and fatalities among construction workers for example, and many of the injuries are serious enough to require time off the job
39 | Suspension Trauma/ Orthostatic Intolerance (2011) | | Orthostatic intolerance may be defined as “the development of symptoms such as light-headedness, palpitations, tremulousness, poor concentration, fatigue, nausea, dizziness, headache, sweating, weakness and occasionally fainting during upright standing
40 | Working Safely with Mobile Ladder Stands and Mobile Ladder Stand Platforms (Sept 2019) | | Preventing injuries and fatalities when using mobile ladders stands starts with choosing the right mobile ladder stand for the activity
41 | Winter Driving Safety (2011) | | Winter driving can be hazardous and scary, especially in northern regions that get a lot of snow and ice. Additional preparations can help make a trip safer, or help motorists deal with an emergency.
42 | Walk-Arounds For Safety Officers
| | This fact sheet provides guidance on conducting workplace safety inspections for safety officers and other workers who are assigned responsibility for safety, but do so in addition to their regular assignments.
43 | Safety Walk-Arounds For Managers | | This fact sheet provides guidance to help managers and business owners conduct safety walkarounds to identify hazards in the workplace and communicate with workers about hazards in their jobs.
44 | Using Aerial Lifts | | The major causes of injuries and fatalities involving aerial lifts are falls, electrocutions, and collapses or tip-overs. Aerial devices include boom-supported aerial platforms, such as cherry pickers or bucket trucks, aerial ladders and vertical towers (OSHA regulates scissor lifts as mobile scaffolds, not as aerial devices). Safe work practices for aerial lifts include
45 | Asbestos Fact Sheet | | Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fiber. It was used in numerous building materials and vehicle products for its strength and ability to resist heat and corrosion before its dangerous health effects were discovered. Individual asbestos fibers cannot be seen by the naked eye, which puts workers at an increased risk
46 | Automated External Defibrillators: Saving Sudden Cardiac Arrest Victims in the Workplace (2003) | | An automated external defibrillator (AED) is a medical device designed to analyze the heart rhythm and deliver an electric shock to victims of ventricular fibrillation to restore the heart rhythm to normal.
47 | Cold Stress QuickCard
| | Cold temperatures and increased wind speed (wind chill) cause heat to leave the body more quickly, putting workers at risk of cold stress. Anyone working in the cold may be at risk, e.g., workers in freezers, outdoor agriculture and construction
48 | OSHA Construction Industry Digest
| | Employers must comply with specific standards. All employers in the construction industry must also have injury and illness prevention programs.
49 | Noise in Construction – Pocket Guide
| | Exposure to high levels of noise can cause permanent hearing loss. Neither surgery nor a hearing aid can help correct this type of hearing loss. Construction sites have many noisy operations and can be a significant source of noise exposure.
50 | Cranes and Derricks in Construction: Wire Rope – Inspection | | This fact sheet describes the inspection requirements of subpart CC – Cranes and Derricks in Construction, as specified in 29 CFR 1926.1413. These provisions are effective November 8, 2010. This document is intended to assist wire rope inspectors and supervisors.
51 | Deck Barge Safety (2009) | | Employees on these vessels can face serious hazards. Between 1997 and 2006, 305 employees were killed on barge/tow combinations, and 379 explosions or fires occurred on barges or towboats, killing 14 employees |
Nah Demikian 50 Publications (eBook, Factsheet,dsb) dari OSHA.
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